CD/DVD Tips And Tricks
  1. # use the program xine-check to determine whether your cd/dvd software (e.g., mplayer, ogle, xine,...) is configured optimally:
  2. # enable dma for your dvd player:
    sudo hdparm -d1 -X34 /dev/dvd 
    If you are satisfied with this setting, consider appending its specification to /etc/init.d/
    echo hdparm -d1 -X34 /dev/dvd|sudo bash -c "cat >> /etc/init.d/" 
  3. # the program k3b, part of the kde tools, provides a very nice user interface for writing cds and dvds:
  4. # how to write bootable cd/dvd images to cd/dvd using linux: here
  5. # create an exact copy of the information on a cd/dvd to your hard disk:
    sudo umount /dev/cdrom;sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/image.iso conv=noerror 
  6. # how to burn a DVD-Video under Linux with mkisofs and dvdrecord


Tips To Write/burn Cds
  1. # initialize the variable ISO_DATA which points to the information you wish to write to a cd/dvd, and the variable ISOFILE which specifies name and location for the cd/dvd image:
     export ISO_DATA=/home/$USER
     export ISOFILE=/tmp/image.iso
     sudo ls -al $ISOFILE 
  2. # create the iso image, write it to $ISOFILE and make it contain all files found in $ISO_DATA (including all subdirectories):
     mkisofs -J -r -o $ISOFILE -R $ISO_DATA 
  3. # test the newly created iso image (optional step):
     sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro $ISOFILE /cdrom
     ls -alR /cdrom
     sudo umount /cdrom 
  4. # find out which cd/dvd writer can be used:
     export CDWRITER=`sudo cdrecord -scanbus|grep RW|head -1|cut -f2`
     if [ :$CDWRITER: == :: ];then
       export CDWRITER=`sudo cdrecord -scanbus|grep DVDRAM|head -1|cut -f2`
     if [ :$CDWRITER: == :: ];then
       export CDWRITER=`sudo cdrecord -scanbus|grep SD-R2512|head -1|cut -f2`
     if [ :$CDWRITER: == :: ];then
       export CDWRITER=0,0,0
       echo REMARK: your cd writer device could not be detected automatically...
       echo REMARK: using $CDWRITER as default device...
       echo REMARK: check whether your default device behaves properly with:
       echo sudo cdrecord -scanbus
     echo we will be using device :$CDWRITER: to write your cd/dvd to... 
  5. # if you wish to clean an existing cd/rw, you can burn the data with:
     time sudo cdrecord dev=$CDWRITER -blank=fast -v -eject $ISOFILE 
  6. # if you are using a blank cd/rw, you can burn the data with:
     time sudo cdrecord dev=$CDWRITER -v -eject $ISOFILE 


Tips To Burn Dvds
  1. # how to burn a DVD-Video under Linux with mkisofs and dvdrecord
  2. # how I burn the information found in $DATA_FOR_DVD on a dvd+rw using linux (and a sony dvd/cd rewritable drive unit model dru-500ax which is found at /dev/dvd):
    1. # specify where the information for the DVD can be found, where the temporary iso file can be stored, and the name of the DVD iso image:
       export DATA_FOR_DVD=/tmp/dvd 
    2. # clean the dvd+rw:
       sudo dvd+rw-format -force /dev/dvd 
    3. # perform the writing (master and burn an iso9660 volume):
       growisofs -speed=2 -r -T -multi -overburn -Z /dev/dvd $DATA_FOR_DVD 
    4. # append more data to an already mastered volume (make sure to use the same options for both initial burning and following sessions):
       growisofs -speed=2 -r -T -multi -overburn -M /dev/dvd $DATA_FOR_DVD 
    5. # perform the writing of a pre-mastered iso9660 volume to a dvd:
       growisofs -speed=2 -dvd-compat -r -T -multi -overburn -Z /dev/dvd $DATA_FOR_DVD 
