1. # http://loop-aes.sourceforge.net/loop-AES.README
  2. # Encryption HOWTO
  3. # Encrypted Root Filesystem HOWTO
  4. # Cryptoloop HOWTO
  5. # Setting up the Cryptographic FileSystem (cfs):
    1. # setting the thing up:
      1. # install the cfs package:
         sudo apt-get install cfs 
      2. # create /etc/exports if it does not yet exist to avoid cfsd's complaints:
         sudo touch /etc/exports 
      3. # start the cfs daemon:
         sudo /etc/init.d/cfsd restart 
    2. # using the stuff:
      1. # prepare the creation of an encrypted directory called "~/encrDir":
         cmkdir ~/encrDir 
        # the cmkdir command prompts for a strong passphrase (of at least 16 characters)
      2. # make this directory available to the user with that password:
         cattach ~/encrDir decrypted 
        # the cattach command prompts for the passphrase that was used to create the directory ~/encrDir # once completed, the directory /crypt/decrypted becomes available wherein one can edit all files in plaintext
      3. # once you finish editing the decrypted data, this directory should be unmounted:
         cdetach decrypted 
        # note that the content of the directory ~encrDir is at all times encrypted. The plaintext is only available to the user who presented the correct passphrase