1. # bootdisk: provides various boot disks and utilities for both unix and windows system recovery and maintenance
  2. # Mounting disks with Linux' loopback device, e.g.. mounting the first partition found in a raw disk dump $Dump:
    1. # assume $Dump points at the hard disk dump (this dump may have been obtained using a command like `dd if=/dev/hda of=$Dump conv=noerror`):
       export Dump=/tmp/dump.img 
    2. # have a look at the partition table:
       sudo fdisk -u -l $Dump 
    3. # compute the partition offset of the desired partition:
       export StartSector=63     # fdisk shows the start sector for each partition it finds
       export BytesPerSector=512 # fdisk reports this as the unit size (in bytes)
       export Offset=$[$StartSector*$BytesPerSector] 
    4. # mount the partition (e.g., assuming fdisk reported an ntfs or vfat partition, have a look at `cat /proc/filesystems` to know which filesystems your kernel recognizes, and extend the list of partition types to try accordingly):
       export MountPoint=/tmp/dump
       sudo mkdir -p $MountPoint
       for PartitionType in ntfs vfat;do
         sudo mount -o loop,ro,offset=$Offset -t $PartitionType $Dump $MountPoint;
       sudo ls -aRl $MountPoint 
  3. # shell script to create a lilo boot floppy
  4. # provides a very nice offline nt password and registry editor... Ideal to edit the registry of an NT machine, and to (re)set the password of any user with a valid (local) account on your NT system... Shutdown your computer, boot off the floppydisk or CD (provided by the author of this site), fix the problem, and that's it!!
  5. # IBM's excellent system recovery page
  6. # An entry point to *a lot* `how do I...?'-items can be found at http://www.williamaford.com