Tips And Tricks For Debian And Knoppix
Hard Disk Install Procedure For Knoppix Cd, Version 3.6
This procedure is under construction...
Struggling with some configuration and finetuning issues... Hotplug does not seem to be very stable with a 2.4.17 kernel.
I suggest for the time being to follow the Knoppix 3.4 installation instructions...


Instructions To Install Knoppix On Hard Disk, Booting From A Knoppix 3.4 Cd
  1. # important note: this procedure was finetuned for Knoppix 3.4 recently after it was released. As Knoppix is based on debian/testing, which means that it is a non-stable debian environment by definition, it may happen that you encounter package dependencies which are not easily solvable by novice users. I usually take care of these dependency problems whenever I (re-)install one of my machines, but this does not happen every other week as Knoppix is more stable than one might expect ];->
  2. # download the Knoppix 3.4 iso image from -> get knoppix -> choose a Knoppix mirror (or use the knoppix mirror provided by K.U.Leuven), accept the download agreement, select the most recently issued KNOPPIX*.iso for download, have a cup of tea (or have a nap, depending on your Internet connection's bandwidth), burn the iso image on cd, and boot from it
  3. # enter at the lilo prompt something like the following (refer to for the latest version of the boot options. If your system behaves strangely during the installation procedure, you can try to restart this procedure without specifying `dma'):
    knoppix lang=us dma
    I specify my preferred screen resolution and window manager as follows:
    knoppix lang=us dma desktop=icewm screen=1400x1050
  4. # I paste the following commands in a terminal/shell window to start all necessary installation steps (i.e., all required commands mentioned in steps 3 to 7 of this part of the procedure. Remember to finalize the procedure once the script has finished!!):
    sudo su -
    lynx -source --dump > .knofig
    lynx -source --dump >
    time sudo sh
    # if you wish to create a boot floppy (e.g., if your machine refuses to boot the newly installed system), you might consider to restart the installation with these commands:
    sudo su -
    lynx -source --dump > .knofig
    lynx -source --dump >
    time sudo sh
    # if you wish to perform the knoppix installation on small hard disks:
    sudo su -
    lynx -source --dump > .knofig
    lynx -source --dump >
    time sudo sh
  5. # it is very likely that knx2hd warns you about ``Error: Check failed for HD_CHOICE () -- The configuration module will now be started.'' If you get this message, you have to choose the partition on which you wish to install linux (if you need to repartition your hard disk first: do not worry, as this question has no impact whatsoever: you can repartition your hard disk in the following step), and the filesystem you will use (e.g., ext3), after which you will see the normal knx2hd's main menu.
  6. # once you see knx2hd's main menu, you should first prepare your partitions (select option ``3. Partition'') and create a new configuration (``1. Configure Installation''), before saving your installation (``5. Save configuration'') and starting the actual installation (``2. Start Installation''):
    1. # Partition: this will start the easy to use repartition program ``qtparted'' which allows you to repartition your hard disk, resize your NTFS partitions, etc.
      # Reasonable partition guidelines:
      1. # use at least 3.5 gigabyte for your main linux partition (filesystem ext3, partition type 0x83, no need to make it bootable). Do not make the main linux partition much smaller than 3 gigabyte if you prefer to end up with a decent installation. Anything much larger than 5 gigabyte is overkill
      2. # create a swap partition (partition type 0x82) of any size between 500 megabyte and two gigabyte, depending on the amount of your system's RAM
      3. # it is wise to have a separate partition for your home directories (filesystem ext3, partition type 0x83, size depends on your habits, I use 10 gigabyte)
      4. # do not forget to save the new partition table before quitting qtparted

    2. # Note that if the knx2hd installation program keeps warning you about (partition size) requirements that should be met, and you do not know how to meet these requirements, you might have to quit the console-based installation program, and give it a try with the X11-based (re-)partitioning program. Open a *new* terminal window, and paste in that new terminal window the following command to restart the X11-based hard disk installation tool:
      time sudo knx2hd
    3. # Configure Installation: accept the default values:
      1. # debian-like system (old installer way)
      2. # specify on which partition you intend to install Knoppix
      3. # select ext3 or reiserfs (I prefer ext3 for all important partitions (/home, /data/, etc). Reiserfs is not to be recommended for partitions holding data you care about, i.e., use it for /, /usr, /var, etc).
        # Reiserfs performs much better (i.e., faster) than ext3, but any type of data recovery attempts after a serious system crash are very likely to fail...
        # Note that all operating system files can easily be reinstalled from scratch: use distinct partitions for your OS and home directories
      4. # do not change the name and user account settings, but type in a password for this user password. A user account will be created later on.
        # I repeat: do not use this account as ``your'' account.
        # Reason: the settings of this account are very weird and do not behave nicely compared to accounts which have been created normally. E.g., there is no sudo timeout for this account, ~/.xsession is not automatically executed at login time, etc.
      5. # specify the root password and hostname of the machine
      6. # specify where you wish to install the boot loader
    4. # Save Configuration:
      1. # save your configuration as ``/root/.knofig''
    5. # Start Installation:
      1. # check the configuration options and proceed with (or abort) the installation
      2. # have a cup of tea (copying everything takes about 20 minutes for an HP compaq nw8000) once you proceed selecting ``yes''
  7. # once knx2hd has finished, the script finalizes the basic installation of your brand new debian machine. The most important things performed by the fine tuning script tune.a.lot include:
    1. # loading the modules needed to support firewire devices
    2. # loading the module needed to make usb 2.0 devices operate at full speed
    3. # mount the usbdevfs filesystem (was a knoppix 3.3 bug which has been fixed in 3.4)
    4. # creates sensible defaults for new user accounts in /etc/skel
    5. # automated ntp synchronization at boot time
    6. # makes sure eth0 is started automatically at boot time performing a dhcp request
    7. # setting the /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/preferences to sensible defaults
    8. # prepare the default files for new user accounts
    9. # mirror in /root a copy of these installation guidelines and a list of the initially selected packages. you will be happy to have them during an offline system recovery session (which I hope you should never need ];-))
    10. # create a script /root/ which should be executed after you have rebooted the machine
  8. # once the script has finished, you should reboot your machine:
    sudo shutdown -r now
  9. # select the default option from the boot loader (i.e., Linux)
  10. # log in as root
  11. # create a new user account (it is recommended to create individual accounts for each user rather than using the knoppix user):
    adduser godot
    If you wish to specify a home directory other than the default /home, e.g., /users (make sure to edit /etc/fstab to mount /users automatically, read `man fstab` if necessary), you can use:
    sudo adduser --home /users/gdt gdt
    The user who will maintain the system might be given root privileges through the sudo command (read `man sudo` and `man visudo` if necessary). Specify the accounts which can operate as root using the sudo command with:
  12. # now you can specify which packages you would like to install and which should be deinstalled (it is best to deinstall these packages which Knoppix selects by default, but they cause non-trivial dependency problems for the debian package manager dselect). Execute the script (note that this script is only available after your reboot)
    screen sudo sh /root/
    or you simply paste the following commands (one after the other: you should not paste all commands at once (except if you know what you are doing). Explaining how to paste commands into a terminal/shell window is out of scope of this HowTo, but pressing shift-ins, middle-mouse-button, and/or shift-middle-mouse-button work pretty well for most terminal/shell windows):
    lynx -source | sudo dpkg --set-selections # useful for smartcard people
    lynx -source | sudo dpkg --set-selections # all non-smartcard related stuff
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y install -t unstable libxft2 # mandatory to make dselect happy
    sudo dselect
    # mini dselect HowTo (have a look at Debian Reference -- Debian package management for more details on this matter):
    1. # select ``1. [U]pdate'' to synchronize your machine's database which reflects all available debian packages
    2. # select ``2. [S]elect'' to specify which packages you want to install, deinstall, purge, etc. Read the welcome screen as it it informs you on the most important dselect commands. I repeat: Read the welcome screen as it it informs you on the most important dselect commands.
      • # /: enter a part of the package name you wish to manipulate
      • # \: find the next occurrence of your search
      • # +: select the package
      • # -: deselect the package
      • # _: purge the package
      • # =: hold the package in the present state
      • # O: scroll through the package sort order
      • # i: scroll through the package details
      • # Return: commit the changes
      # It is quite likely that you will encounter package dependencies and conflicts. Read the introduction to conflict and dependency resolution. Read the instructions on that screen very carefully. Mistakes are quickly made and require years of dselect experience to resolve.
      # Next to the normal dselect commands, there are also a few dependency/conflict resolution keys:
      • # R: forget about your changes and return to the previous state
      • # U: set all packages based on dselect's suggestions
      • # D: selects only what was requested
      • # X: abandon any changes
      • # Q: commit the changes, ignoring the dselect's suggestions based on common sense (very challenging ;-))
      • # Return: commit the changes
    3. # select ``3. [I]nstall'' to start the installation/deinstallation/purging of the packages you selected. Answer the questions sensibly until you get back to the dselect menu
    4. # select ``6. [Q]uit'' to quit the program
  13. # that's it: you now have a fully operational debian machine. Logout root, reboot if you wish, and enjoy your fully operational debian/Knoppix machine. Check out the excellent user's guide found at if you wish to learn more on the configuration of a Debian machine.
  14. # important final security note: if your machine is regularly connected to the Internet, you should keep your machine secure. Installing Knoppix is easy, keeping it secure requires effort. You should certainly have a look at the Securing Debian Manual (cfr. Do not forget to keep your machine uptodate by executing the following commands on a very regular basis (preferably daily, or subscribe yourself to the Debian Security Announcements mailing list if you wish to receive emails with debian security alerts):
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y upgrade


Instructions To Install A Knoppix Cd On A Hard Disk, Booting From A Knoppix Cd
  1. # boot from your Knoppix cd, and make sure you become root:
    sudo su -
  2. # assume you will install the Knoppix cd on /dev/hda3 (make sure it is large enough, say 800 megabyte, to hold at least the Knoppix iso image and the filesystem's management data). Propagate this preference:
    export PARTIT=/dev/hda3
  3. # export a few preferences:
    export TARGET=/target; export BOOT=$TARGET/boot; export LILO=$BOOT/lilo.conf
  4. # create a filesystem on that partition:
    mkfs.ext3 $PARTIT
  5. # create a mount point $TARGET for that new partition and mount it:
    mkdir $TARGET; mount -t auto $PARTIT $TARGET
  6. # copy the Knoppix cd to hard disk (this may take a while):
    time cp -a /cdrom/* $TARGET
  7. # mount the Knoppix image's boot floppy:
    mkdir /floppy; mount -t vfat -o loop /cdrom/KNOPPIX/boot.img /floppy/
  8. # prepare the hard disk image's boot directory:
    mkdir $BOOT; cp /boot/ $BOOT/; cp /floppy/* $BOOT/
  9. # unmount the floppy:
    umount /floppy
  10. # determine which root device you are currently using:
    export THISROOT=`grep root= /etc/lilo.conf|head -1|cut -d= -f2-`; echo your root partition is :$THISROOT:
  11. # generate a lilo.conf which is configured automagically:
    genliloconf /dev/hda $THISROOT "" $BOOT/vmlinuz > $LILO
  12. # add a mysterious line to this newly generated lilo.conf file:
    echo image=/boot/vmlinuz append=\"lang=us noprompt dma ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init initrd=miniroot.gz __BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix\" root=$PARTIT read-only initrd=/boot/miniroot.gz label="KnoppixCd" >> $LILO
  13. # overlink the cdrom's /boot:
    ln -sf $BOOT /
  14. # execute lilo on this new lilo.conf:
    lilo -C /boot/lilo.conf
  15. # you may wish to add the line specifying the mount point of the newly installed Knoppix cd to the /etc/fstab of your other unix installations:
    echo $THISROOT $TARGET auto defaults 0 0
  16. # you can now reboot your machine an select 'KnoppixCd' from your lilo menu


Instructions To Install A Knoppix Cd On A Hard Disk, Booting From An Existing Unix Installation
  1. # boot from your already existing unix installation on hard disk (provided you already have a working unix installation or that you succeeded with the Knoppix hard disk installation above), and log in as root
  2. # assume you will install the Knoppix cd image on /dev/hda6 (make sure it is large enough, say 800 megabyte, to hold at least the Knoppix iso image and the filesystem's management data). Propagate this preference:
    export PARTIT=/dev/hda6
  3. # create a filesystem on that partition:
    mkfs.ext3 $PARTIT
  4. # export a few preferences:
    export KNOPPIXISO=/data/knoppix.iso; export TARGET=/tmp/target; export BOOT=$TARGET/boot; export LILO=$BOOT/lilo.conf
  5. # create a mount point $TARGET for that new partition and mount it:
    mkdir $TARGET; mount -t auto $PARTIT $TARGET
  6. # create a mount point /tmp/source which contains your Knoppix iso image. Make sure $KNOPPIXISO points to that iso image:
    mkdir /tmp/source
    mount -t iso9660 $KNOPPIXISO /tmp/source -o loop
  7. # copy the Knoppix iso image to hard disk (this may take a while):
    time cp -a /tmp/source/* $TARGET
  8. # mount the Knoppix image's boot floppy:
    mkdir /tmp/floppy; mount -t vfat -o loop /tmp/source/KNOPPIX/boot.img /tmp/floppy/
  9. # prepare the hard disk image's boot directory:
    mkdir $BOOT
    cp /boot/ $BOOT/
    cp /tmp/floppy/* $BOOT/
  10. # unmount the floppy and the Knoppix iso image:
    umount /tmp/floppy /tmp/source
  11. # determine which root device you are currently using:
    export THISROOT=`grep root= /etc/lilo.conf|head -1|cut -d= -f2-`; echo your root partition is :$THISROOT:
  12. # generate a lilo.conf which is configured automagically:
    genliloconf /dev/hda $THISROOT "" $BOOT/vmlinuz > $LILO
  13. # add a mysterious line to this newly generated lilo.conf file:
    echo image=$BOOT/vmlinuz append=\"lang=us noprompt dma ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init initrd=miniroot.gz __BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix\" root=$PARTIT read-only initrd=$BOOT/miniroot.gz label="KnoppixCD" >> $LILO
  14. # execute lilo on this new lilo.conf:
    lilo -C $LILO
  15. # you may wish to add the line specifying the mount point of the newly installed Knoppix cd to the /etc/fstab of your other unix installations:
    echo $THISROOT $TARGET auto defaults 0 0
  16. # you can now reboot your machine an select 'KnoppixCD' from your lilo menu


Instructions To Install Knoppix On Hard Disk, Booting From A Knoppix 3.3 Cd
  1. # download the Knoppix 3.3 iso image from -> get knoppix -> choose your Knoppix mirror, accept the download agreement, select the most recently issued KNOPPIX*.iso for download, have a cup of tea (or have a nap if you download the stuff over a slow Internet connection), burn the iso image on cd, and boot from it
  2. # enter at the lilo prompt something like the following (refer to for the latest version of the boot options. If your system behaves strangely during the installation procedure, you can try to restart this procedure without specifying `dma'):
    knoppix lang=us dma
    I specify my preferred screen resolution and window manager as follows:
    knoppix lang=us dma desktop=icewm screen=1400x1050
  3. # open a terminal/shell window and start the Knoppix hard disk installation program answering all the questions sensibly (e.g., install Knoppix on a partition of at least 3.5 gigabyte (the partition type should be 0x83, no need to make it bootable; do not make this partition much smaller than 3 gigabyte if you want to have a decent installation. Anything much larger than 5 gigabyte is overkill. Add a swap partition (this partition's type should be 0x82) of any size between 500 megabyte and two gigabyte, depending on the amount of your system's RAM. Do not forget to save the new partition table before quitting cfdisk, fdisk, or any other partition table editor you might be using. It is also wise to have a separate partition for your home directories (partition type 0x83, ext3, size depends on your habits, I use 10 gigabyte):
    sudo su -
    time sudo /usr/local/bin/knx-hdinstall
    and have another cup of tea (a Compaq N800c takes about 10 minutes to complete knx-hdinstall if `dma' is specified at the knoppix boot prompt, or more than 30 minutes if `dma' is omitted)...
  4. # once the knx-hdinstall program has finished copying the files to the hard disk, you can reboot the machine:
    sudo shutdown -r now
  5. # select Linux in the boot loader's menu, and log in as root
  6. # you can now open a terminal/shell window and finalize the main installation step:
  7. lynx -source --dump > /tmp/tune.a.lot
    echo openoffice-de-en deinstall | sudo dpkg --set-selections
    echo libsasl2-modules-mysql deinstall | sudo dpkg --set-selections
    sudo sh /tmp/tune.a.lot
  8. # log in as root
  9. # create a new user account (it is recommended to create individual accounts for each user rather than using the knoppix user):
    adduser godot
    If you wish to specify a home directory other than the default /home, e.g., /users (make sure to edit /etc/fstab to mount /users automatically, read `man fstab` if necessary), you can use:
    sudo adduser --home /users/gdt gdt
    The user who will maintain the system might be given root privileges through the sudo command (read `man sudo` and `man visudo` if necessary). Specify the accounts which can operate as root using the sudo command with:
  10. # now you can specify which packages you would like to install and which should be deinstalled (it is best to deinstall these packages which Knoppix selects by default, but they cause non-trivial dependency problems for the debian package manager dselect). Execute the script (note that this script is only available after your reboot)
    screen sudo sh /root/
    or you simply paste the following commands (one after the other: you should not paste all commands at once (except if you know what you are doing). Explaining how to paste commands into a terminal/shell window is out of scope of this HowTo, but pressing shift-ins, middle-mouse-button, and/or shift-middle-mouse-button work pretty well for most terminal/shell windows):
    lynx -source | sudo dpkg --set-selections # useful for smartcard people
    lynx -source | sudo dpkg --set-selections # all non-smartcard related stuff
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y install -t unstable libxft2 # mandatory to make dselect happy

    sudo dselect
    # mini dselect HowTo (have a look at Debian Reference -- Debian package management for more details on this matter):
    1. # select ``1. [U]pdate'' to synchronize your machine's database which reflects all available debian packages
    2. # select ``2. [S]elect'' to specify which packages you want to install, deinstall, purge, etc. Read the welcome screen as it it informs you on the most important dselect commands. I repeat: Read the welcome screen as it it informs you on the most important dselect commands.
      • # /: enter a part of the package name you wish to manipulate
      • # \: find the next occurrence of your search
      • # +: select the package
      • # -: deselect the package
      • # _: purge the package
      • # =: hold the package in the present state
      • # O: scroll through the package sort order
      • # i: scroll through the package details
      • # Return: commit the changes
      # It is quite likely that you will encounter package dependencies and conflicts. Read the introduction to conflict and dependency resolution. Read the instructions on that screen very carefully. Mistakes are quickly made and require years of dselect experience to resolve.
      # Next to the normal dselect commands, there are also a few dependency/conflict resolution keys:
      • # R: forget about your changes and return to the previous state
      • # U: set all packages based on dselect's suggestions
      • # D: selects only what was requested
      • # X: abandon any changes
      • # Q: commit the changes, ignoring the dselect's suggestions based on common sense (very challenging ;-))
      • # Return: commit the changes
    3. # select ``3. [I]nstall'' to start the installation/deinstallation/purging of the packages you selected. Answer the questions sensibly until you get back to the dselect menu
    4. # select ``6. [Q]uit'' to quit the program
  11. # that's it: you now have a fully operational debian machine. Logout root, reboot if you wish, and enjoy your fully operational debian/Knoppix machine. Check out the excellent user's guide found at if you wish to learn more on the configuration of a Debian machine.
  12. # important final security note: if your machine is regularly connected to the Internet, you should keep your machine secure. Installing Knoppix is easy, keeping it secure requires effort. You should certainly have a look at the Securing Debian Manual (cfr. Do not forget to keep your machine uptodate by executing the following commands on a very regular basis (preferably daily, or subscribe yourself to the Debian Security Announcements mailing list if you wish to receive emails with debian security alerts):
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y upgrade


Tips For Knoppix-customize
  1. # an excellent HowTo on customizing the Knoppix cd can be found at knoppix-customize
  2. # I customize my Knoppix cd as follows:
    1. # initialize the location of the Knoppix iso image:
       export IMAGE=/tmp/KNOPPIX_V3.3-2004-02-16-EN.iso 
    2. # list the current defaults of your Knoppix cd image:
       echo "APPEND"|knoppix-customize --image $IMAGE --action get_syslinux_opt 
    3. # make `us' the default language, icewm the default window manager, make sure the to use no swap space, boot with a fancy background image, use dma for all ide hard disks, does not prompt for the cd to be ejected at reboot:
       echo "lang=us"|knoppix-customize --image $IMAGE --action set_append_opt
       echo "desktop=icewm"|knoppix-customize --image $IMAGE --action set_append_opt
       echo "noswap"|knoppix-customize --image $IMAGE --action set_append_opt
       echo "splash"|knoppix-customize --image $IMAGE --action set_append_opt
       echo "dma"|knoppix-customize --image $IMAGE --action set_append_opt
       echo "noprompt"|knoppix-customize --image $IMAGE --action set_append_opt
    4. # list the new defaults of your Knoppix cd image:
       echo "APPEND"|knoppix-customize --image $IMAGE --action get_syslinux_opt 



Tips And Tricks For Many Useful Applications
Tips To Fine Tune APT
  1. # if you are looking for a debian package which mentions a particular text in its description, you can browse through all the package descriptions you have already downloaded (using apt-get update) using apt-cache, e.g., if you were looking for a debian package which provides the perl module Date::Calc, you could execute
    apt-cache search "Date::Calc"
    to find libdate-calc-perl
    # have a look at for more of these tips...
  2. # apt-get may run out of room (e.g., reporting something like ``E: Dynamic MMAp ran out of room''). I usually solve this type of problem by changing the cache-limit in /etc/apt/apt.conf to make it look as follows:
     APT::Cache-Limit 141943904;
  3. # looking for a package which includes a key word in its description:
     apt-cache search keyword 
  4. # read the apt HowTo and the dselect for beginners guide if you are not yet familiar with apt (the advanced package tool) and its user interface dselect
  5. # have a look at apt-pinning if you want to mix stable, testing and unstable debian packages sources given a mostly-stable debian system. It basically says: install /etc/apt/preferences and include stable/testing/unstable mirrors in your /etc/apt/sources.list, and install non-stable packages using
     apt-get -t unstable install whatever.package 
    Caveat: if you include unstable debian packages in your /etc/apt/sources.list, and you use dselect, you will automatically downgrade your machine to an unstable release... If you include references to unstable packages in your /etc/apt/sources.list, you should not use dselect, but stick to apt-get install -t {stable|testing|unstable} package.
  6. # edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/preferences (apt-pinning is for advanced users only!! If you do not know what apt-pinning is, you should not touch /etc/apt/preferences) if necessary (e.g., commenting out lines which you do not like or which you do not need. Have a look at the optimize the /etc/apt/sources.list file section to fine tune the /etc/apt/sources.list for your geographic location). Once you have configured your /etc/apt/sources.list, you can refresh your system's database with available debian packages:
     apt-get update 
  7. # optimizing the /etc/apt/sources.list file: determine the content of /etc/apt/sources.list which fits best to your location, using, e.g.,
     for a in stable testing unstable; do netselect-apt $a; mv sources.list sources.list.$a; done 
  8. # if you wish to setup a local mirror of debian packages in a directory, say /data/debian.packages, you have to generate a Packages and Packages.gz file so that apt-get and dselect can find these packages. Include the following line
     deb file:///data/debian.packages ./ 
    in your /etc/apt/sources.list (put the line somewhere in the beginning of the sources.list file: order is important... Packages are downloaded `first seen first fetched'). The following commands create the Packages and Packages.gz files:
     cd /data/debian.packages;dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null > Packages;gzip -9c Packages > Packages.gz 


Ati Drivers
ati drivers</a>, provides the video drivers you need for various operating systems. Select Linux, FireGL, Mobility FireGl T2 to configure X for the video card shipped with an HP compaq nw8000 ati drivers, provides the video drivers you need for various operating systems. Select Linux, FireGL, Mobility FireGl T2 to configure X for the video card shipped with an HP compaq nw8000


Tips For Awk
  1. # prepend and append some text on each line of a text file:
     awk '{print "prefix "$1" postfix"}' input.txt > /tmp/output.txt 
  2. # replace the value of the second column in file1.dat by zero if it is strictly less than 0.1 (cfr., the gnuplot manual):
     awk '{print $1,($2<0.1) ? 0.0 : $2}' file1.da 
  3. # multiply the numeric value of the second column in file1.dat by five if the value of the first column is in the range of [1,3] (cfr., the gnuplot manual):
     awk '{print $1,($1<=3 && $1>=1)? $2*5 : $2}' file1.dat 


Tips For The Basic Unix Tools
  1. # text processing:
    1. # convert characters from lower to upper case:
       fortune | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] 
    2. # finding out how many times a particular item, in this case a dot, occurs on a text line
       for a in `cat /tmp/file.txt`; do
        nof=$[`echo $a|sed s/'\.'/'\n'/g|wc -l` -1]
        echo  a . occurs $nof times in $a
    3. # unescaping escaped text/html/javascript/... found in a file $LOGFILE:
       cat $LOGFILE|sed s/+/' '/g|sed s/%0D%0A/" -- "/g|sed s/%20/" "/g|sed s/%21/'!'/g|\
      sed s/%22/'"'/g|sed s/%23/'\#'/g|sed s/%24/"$"/g|sed s/%25/"%"/g|sed s/%26/"\&"/g|sed s/%27/"'"/g|\
      sed s/%28/'('/g|sed s/%29/')'/g|sed s/%2A/'*'/g|sed s/%2B/'+'/g|sed s/%2C/','/g|sed s/%2D/'-'/g|\
      sed s/%2E/'.'/g|sed s/%2F/'\/'/g|sed s/%3A/':'/g|sed s/%3B/';'/g|sed s/%3C/'<'/g|sed s/%3D/'='/g|\
      sed s/%3E/'>'/g|sed s/%3F/'?'/g|sed s/%40/'@'/g|sed s/%5B/'['/g|sed s/%5C/'\\'/g|sed s/%5D/']'/g|\
      sed s/%5E/'^'/g|sed s/%5F/'_'/g|sed s/%60/'`'/g|sed s/%7B/'{'/g|sed s/%7C/'|'/g|sed s/%7D/'}'/g|\
      sed s/%7E/'~'/g|sed s/%D3/'<'/g 
    4. # a very nice overview of commonly used text processing commands can be found at
    5. # remove all blank lines from a file:
       grep -v '^$' input.txt > output.txt 
    6. # count the number of newlines, words and bytes in a text file:
       wc input.txt 
    7. # reverse all the lines in a file:
       rev file.txt 
  2. # file processing:
    1. # dog is an enhancement of cat
    2. # count the number of times a particular character (in the example a comma) occurs in some file:
       cat file.txt | tr -c -d ',' | wc -c 
    3. # character set translator -- translates character sets from one encoding to another (utf-8, ascii, iso 8859-[123456789], unicode, msdos,...):
    4. # make a hexdump or do the reverse:
       xxd file > file.hex
       xxd -r file.hex > file.bis 
    5. # dump a file byte per byte using octet, decimal, hex or binary notation:
       od -j 2 -t x1 file > file.hex 
    6. # replace all spaces in all relevant file names by underscores:
       find . -name \*' '\* -exec rename s/' '/_/g "{}" \; 
    7. # strip the path from a filename, or the last part of an absolute path:
       basename extendedFilename; dirname extendedFilename 
    8. # find all files that are between 100 and 50 days old:
       find . -mtime +50 -mtime -100 -daystart 
  3. # process processing:
    1. # redirect stderr to stdout:
       buggyProg 2>&1 
    2. # redirect stdout to stderr:
       buggyProg 1>&2 
    3. # redirect both stderr and stdout to a file:
       buggyProg &> file 


Cdvd Writers
CD/DVD Tips And Tricks
  1. # use the program xine-check to determine whether your cd/dvd software (e.g., mplayer, ogle, xine,...) is configured optimally:
  2. # enable dma for your dvd player:
    sudo hdparm -d1 -X34 /dev/dvd 
    If you are satisfied with this setting, consider appending its specification to /etc/init.d/
    echo hdparm -d1 -X34 /dev/dvd|sudo bash -c "cat >> /etc/init.d/" 
  3. # the program k3b, part of the kde tools, provides a very nice user interface for writing cds and dvds:
  4. # how to write bootable cd/dvd images to cd/dvd using linux: here
  5. # create an exact copy of the information on a cd/dvd to your hard disk:
    sudo umount /dev/cdrom;sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/image.iso conv=noerror 
  6. # how to burn a DVD-Video under Linux with mkisofs and dvdrecord


Tips To Write/burn Cds
  1. # initialize the variable ISO_DATA which points to the information you wish to write to a cd/dvd, and the variable ISOFILE which specifies name and location for the cd/dvd image:
     export ISO_DATA=/home/$USER
     export ISOFILE=/tmp/image.iso
     sudo ls -al $ISOFILE 
  2. # create the iso image, write it to $ISOFILE and make it contain all files found in $ISO_DATA (including all subdirectories):
     mkisofs -J -r -o $ISOFILE -R $ISO_DATA 
  3. # test the newly created iso image (optional step):
     sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro $ISOFILE /cdrom
     ls -alR /cdrom
     sudo umount /cdrom 
  4. # find out which cd/dvd writer can be used:
     export CDWRITER=`sudo cdrecord -scanbus|grep RW|head -1|cut -f2`
     if [ :$CDWRITER: == :: ];then
       export CDWRITER=`sudo cdrecord -scanbus|grep DVDRAM|head -1|cut -f2`
     if [ :$CDWRITER: == :: ];then
       export CDWRITER=`sudo cdrecord -scanbus|grep SD-R2512|head -1|cut -f2`
     if [ :$CDWRITER: == :: ];then
       export CDWRITER=0,0,0
       echo REMARK: your cd writer device could not be detected automatically...
       echo REMARK: using $CDWRITER as default device...
       echo REMARK: check whether your default device behaves properly with:
       echo sudo cdrecord -scanbus
     echo we will be using device :$CDWRITER: to write your cd/dvd to... 
  5. # if you wish to clean an existing cd/rw, you can burn the data with:
     time sudo cdrecord dev=$CDWRITER -blank=fast -v -eject $ISOFILE 
  6. # if you are using a blank cd/rw, you can burn the data with:
     time sudo cdrecord dev=$CDWRITER -v -eject $ISOFILE 


Tips To Burn Dvds
  1. # how to burn a DVD-Video under Linux with mkisofs and dvdrecord
  2. # how I burn the information found in $DATA_FOR_DVD on a dvd+rw using linux (and a sony dvd/cd rewritable drive unit model dru-500ax which is found at /dev/dvd):
    1. # specify where the information for the DVD can be found, where the temporary iso file can be stored, and the name of the DVD iso image:
       export DATA_FOR_DVD=/tmp/dvd 
    2. # clean the dvd+rw:
       sudo dvd+rw-format -force /dev/dvd 
    3. # perform the writing (master and burn an iso9660 volume):
       growisofs -speed=2 -r -T -multi -overburn -Z /dev/dvd $DATA_FOR_DVD 
    4. # append more data to an already mastered volume (make sure to use the same options for both initial burning and following sessions):
       growisofs -speed=2 -r -T -multi -overburn -M /dev/dvd $DATA_FOR_DVD 
    5. # perform the writing of a pre-mastered iso9660 volume to a dvd:
       growisofs -speed=2 -dvd-compat -r -T -multi -overburn -Z /dev/dvd $DATA_FOR_DVD 





# It may happen that you have to present a userid/password before your Internet service provider configures your network settings (e.g., ip address), e.g.,
 curl -d "uid=userid&pwd=whatever"|mail root 
# Once you are satisfied with this command (it may be that your internet service provider uses other variable names (than uid and pwd) in the network login form), you can launch it after a reboot by appending it to /etc/init.d/
# If your ISP goes down from time to time, and you need to relogin each time, you may consider running a the following command:
 while date;do \
  echo starting curl;\
  curl -d "uid=userid&pwd=whatever"|mail root;\
  while ping -c 10;do\
    echo pings were successful;\
    sleep 600;\
  sleep 5;\


Tips To Use Cvs
  1. # checkout of a cvs module from a cvs server with respect to a particular date:
     cvs -z3 -d checkout -D "month dd yyyy" module 


Tips To Finetune When Your Daemons Start And Stop Providing Their Services
  1. # install and execute ksysv:
    sudo apt-get install ksysv
    sudo ksysv


Tips To Set Up A Simple Dhcp Server

dhcp server:

  • # edit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf so that it contains a working configuration for the ethernet interface you wish to serve dhcp requests on, say eth0:
    subnet netmask {
      option domain-name "";
      option domain-name-servers,;
  • # specify which network interface the dhcp server should listen to by editing /etc/default/dhcp3-server:
  • # restart the dhcp daemon:
    sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
    # make sure to set the subnet, netmask and range to values which are compatible with your interface settings... Have a look at /var/log/syslog to see whether you have configured your configuration files properly:
    sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog &


Tips To Use Diff And Patch
  1. # the following command produces (given two source trees ~/original/sources and ~/updated/sources) an overview of the differences between these two trees:
     cd ~/original/sources
     tar -xzvf ~/whatever.tgz
     cd ~
     diff -ruN original/sources updated/sources >
  2. # the following command produces, given the original source tree and the differences between the original and updated sources, updated sources:
     cd ~/current/sources
     tar -xzvf ~/whatever.tgz
     patch -p2 <


Tips For Dselect
  1. dselect (`man dselect` is your friend, or read the excellent article on using debian: is not the most user-friendly program around. It is normal that it reports a few errors as it operates in several rounds: in the first round, all packages that are required or used by other packages are unpacked and configured. Packages that rely on some of those are only unpacked, not yet configured as this will happen in the subsequent round. It is perfectly possible that the completion of this iterative process takes several rounds if many packages have to be installed/upgraded.
    If you are using a low-bandwidth connection (downloading the commonly selected packages for a new complete installation may easily take one hour given a 100 KB/sec-Internet connection), it may be advisable to copy the debian packages apt-get downloads to a safe place for later usage:
     mkdir -p /data/debian.packages;
     cp /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /data/debian.packages 
    You may also wish to follow the procedure to set up a local mirror of these packages which can be used by dselect later on.


Setting Up An Encrypted Filesystem
  1. #
  2. # Encryption HOWTO
  3. # Encrypted Root Filesystem HOWTO
  4. # Cryptoloop HOWTO
  5. # Setting up the Cryptographic FileSystem (cfs):
    1. # setting the thing up:
      1. # install the cfs package:
         sudo apt-get install cfs 
      2. # create /etc/exports if it does not yet exist to avoid cfsd's complaints:
         sudo touch /etc/exports 
      3. # start the cfs daemon:
         sudo /etc/init.d/cfsd restart 
    2. # using the stuff:
      1. # prepare the creation of an encrypted directory called "~/encrDir":
         cmkdir ~/encrDir 
        # the cmkdir command prompts for a strong passphrase (of at least 16 characters)
      2. # make this directory available to the user with that password:
         cattach ~/encrDir decrypted 
        # the cattach command prompts for the passphrase that was used to create the directory ~/encrDir # once completed, the directory /crypt/decrypted becomes available wherein one can edit all files in plaintext
      3. # once you finish editing the decrypted data, this directory should be unmounted:
         cdetach decrypted 
        # note that the content of the directory ~encrDir is at all times encrypted. The plaintext is only available to the user who presented the correct passphrase


Howto To Enable The Wheel Mouse In Emacs

emacs wheel mouse


Tips To Configure The Mail Transport Agent Called Exim

# exim
# Exim is a mail transport agent (MTA) developed at the University of Cambridge. It is easy to configure and does its job as expected.

  1. # install exim
    sudo apt-get install exim
  2. # execute the exim configuration tool
    sudo eximconfig
  3. # select 3: satellite system
  4. # enter the hostname of the machine you are configuring. Example: if your machine is, you should enter
  5. # enter the domain name of your email address when asked where the users will read their email. E.g., if your email address reads, you should enter `'
  6. # enter the mail server's hostname as the smarthost to handle outgoing mail, e.g., smtp dot kulnet dot kuleuven dot ac dot be
  7. # enter the userid of the user who should receive the email sent to root
  8. # accept to overwrite the /etc/aliases file (or reject, this is up to you)
  9. # read very carefully what the configuration tool shows you for its configuration! accept the configuration if it is ok, restart the procedure if not...
  10. # once you have accepted the configuration file, you should check the /etc/aliases file. Make sure that this file does not contain any `real-userid' items... Replace all these occurrences with valid email addresses.
  11. # test whether you changed all real-userid occurrences:
    grep real- /etc/aliases
  12. # once the /etc/aliases file does no longer contain any real-userid items, you can test your mail delivery system:
    echo piep sent at `date` from `hostname`|mail


Preferred FireFox Extensions
basics</a>, adds a 'new tab' button to the tab bar basics, adds a 'new tab' button to the tab bar
clear http auth</a>, clears the http authentication data stored by the browser clear http auth, clears the http authentication data stored by the browser
extension uninstaller</a>, by far the most important extension to install if combined with the extension uninstaller api :)) extension uninstaller, by far the most important extension to install if combined with the extension uninstaller api :))
extension uninstaller api</a>, required extension for the extension uninstaller gui extension uninstaller api, required extension for the extension uninstaller gui
forecastFox</a> is a highly customizable firefox extension that brings weather forecasts to your firefox browser forecastFox is a highly customizable firefox extension that brings weather forecasts to your firefox browser
mime type editor</a>, standalone extension for FireFox to administer helper applications to start based on data's mime type mime type editor, standalone extension for FireFox to administer helper applications to start based on data's mime type
mozCalc</a>, an easy to use xul calculator, provides normal, scientific, reverse polish notation modes mozCalc, an easy to use xul calculator, provides normal, scientific, reverse polish notation modes
open download</a>, adds an additional option in the download dialog allowing you to open the file using the default program assigned by your operating system open download, adds an additional option in the download dialog allowing you to open the file using the default program assigned by your operating system
plain text links</a>, allows you to select text and treat it a link plain text links, allows you to select text and treat it a link
quick note</a>, a nice extension to quickly jot down notes, e.g., in a separate window or a in a FireFox sidebar quick note, a nice extension to quickly jot down notes, e.g., in a separate window or a in a FireFox sidebar
reloadEvery</a>, reloads a tab every so many seconds reloadEvery, reloads a tab every so many seconds
sessionSaver</a>, remembers loaded tabs and their history items when FireFox is manually closed when next restarted sessionSaver, remembers loaded tabs and their history items when FireFox is manually closed when next restarted
tab browser extensions</a>, provides an advanced configuration tool for the tabs bar. This extension can place the tabs bar at the bottom of the browser, which makes FireFox look and behave much like opera ];-) tab browser extensions, provides an advanced configuration tool for the tabs bar. This extension can place the tabs bar at the bottom of the browser, which makes FireFox look and behave much like opera ];-)
translation panel</a>, translates input text into a foreign language. After the extension has been installed (and you have restarted FireFox), you can open the translation panel (view, sidebar, translation panel). If no languages are available (this happens quite frequently with a new install), you can solve this by unzipping the translationpanel.*.xpi which you installed, and by manually importing the items.rdf as follows: select setting, and inport/export (sic), select import, go to the directory where you unzipped the *.xpi file, and open the items.rdf file. Using this nice tool furtheron is rather straightforward translation panel, translates input text into a foreign language. After the extension has been installed (and you have restarted FireFox), you can open the translation panel (view, sidebar, translation panel). If no languages are available (this happens quite frequently with a new install), you can solve this by unzipping the translationpanel.*.xpi which you installed, and by manually importing the items.rdf as follows: select setting, and inport/export (sic), select import, go to the directory where you unzipped the *.xpi file, and open the items.rdf file. Using this nice tool furtheron is rather straightforward
trivial</a>, provides the toolbar buttons I have been looking for for ages... close tab, toggle full screen, cut, copy, paste, etc. trivial, provides the toolbar buttons I have been looking for for ages... close tab, toggle full screen, cut, copy, paste, etc.
web developer</a>, provides a huge set of development features to the browser, e.g., a java console, html validator, and much more web developer, provides a huge set of development features to the browser, e.g., a java console, html validator, and much more
mozImage</a>, a simple image browser with slide show features and the ability to scale images to window size mozImage, a simple image browser with slide show features and the ability to scale images to window size
mozilla Archive Format</a>, allows complete web pages to be saved in a single archive file. The original url of the page and date/time the page was put in the archive are stored in the archive mozilla Archive Format, allows complete web pages to be saved in a single archive file. The original url of the page and date/time the page was put in the archive are stored in the archive
things they left out</a>, provides the things they left out in the design of FireFox, e.g., panels for languages, mime types, security certificates, find as you type, etc. (this extension does not work for me, but it may for you :))) things they left out, provides the things they left out in the design of FireFox, e.g., panels for languages, mime types, security certificates, find as you type, etc. (this extension does not work for me, but it may for you :)))
tipBar</a>, adds a bar to the bottom of the content window that shows tips tipBar, adds a bar to the bottom of the content window that shows tips


Tips To Set Up firewire Devices
Enabling FireWire support for an external hard disk:
  1. # load the appropriate modules:
     echo ieee1394         >> /etc/modules-`uname -r` # FireWire protocol
     echo ohci1394          >> /etc/modules-`uname -r` # Open Host Controller Interface
     echo raw1394           >> /etc/modules-`uname -r` # Serial Bus Protocol-2
     echo usb-storage       >> /etc/modules-`uname -r` # generic usb support for storage devices 
  2. # check whether the device is present according to your machine:
     sudo gscanbus 
  3. # if the device is not yet present, you might need to execute the utility from to look for new scsi devices:
     cd /usr/local/bin
     wget -N --retr-symlinks
     sudo sh /usr/local/bin/ 
  4. # list the partitions which are currently known to your machine with:
     sudo sfdisk -l 


Grep Tips To Efficiently Find What You Are Looking For In Text Files
  1. # agrep provides an approximate grep
  2. # searching for specific patterns using grep and regular expressions (mostly copied from
    1. # the theory:
       ^ (Caret)        =    match expression at the start of a line, as in ^A.
       $ (Question)     =    match expression at the end of a line, as in A$.
       \ (Back Slash)   =    turn off the special meaning of the next character, as in \^.
       [ ] (Brackets)   =    match any one of the enclosed characters, as in [aeiou].
                             Use Hyphen "-" for a range, as in [0-9].
       [^ ]             =    match any one character except those enclosed in [ ], as in [^0-9].
       . (Period)       =    match a single character of any value, except end of line.
       * (Asterisk)     =    match zero or more of the preceding character or expression.
       \{x,y\}          =    match x to y occurrences of the preceding.
       \{x\}            =    match exactly x occurrences of the preceding.
       \{x,\}           =    match x or more occurrences of the preceding. 
    2. # examples:
       cat -v -e -t dump                           # show non-printing characters too
       grep BOB tmpfile                        # search 'tmpfile' for 'BOB' anywhere in a line
       grep -i -w blkptr *                     # case insensitive search all files in the current directory for the word blkptr
       grep run[- ]time *.txt                  # find 'run time' or 'run-time' in all txt files
       grep smug files                         # search files for lines with 'smug'
       grep '^smug' files                      # 'smug' at the start of a line
       grep 'smug$' files                      # 'smug' at the end of a line
       grep '^smug$' files                     # lines containing only 'smug'
       grep '\^s' files                        # lines starting with '^s', "\" escapes the ^
       grep '[Ss]mug' files                    # search for 'Smug' or 'smug'
       grep 'B[oO][bB]' files                  # search for BOB, Bob, BOb or BoB 
       grep '^$' files                         # search for blank lines
       grep '[0-9][0-9]' file                  # search for pairs of numeric digits
       grep '^From: ' /var/spool/mail/$USER    # list your mail
       grep '[a-zA-Z]'                         # any line with at least one letter
       grep '[^a-zA-Z0-9]                      # anything not a letter or number
       grep '[0-9]\{3\}-[0-9]\{4\}'            # 999-9999, like phone numbers
       grep '^.$'                              # lines with exactly one character
       grep '"smug"'                           # 'smug' within double quotes
       grep '"*smug"*'                         # 'smug', with or without quotes
       grep '^\.'                              # any line that starts with a Period "."
       grep '^\.[a-z][a-z]'                    # line start with "." and 2 lc letters 


Tips To Compute Hash Values

collisions for md5:

# two distinct inputs which produce an identical hash value for the infamous (broken) md5 hash function, i.e., a collision:
echo d131dd02c5e6eec4693d9a0698aff95c2fcab58712467eab4004583eb8fb7f89 > 1.asc
echo d131dd02c5e6eec4693d9a0698aff95c2fcab50712467eab4004583eb8fb7f89 > 2.asc
echo 55ad340609f4b30283e488832571415a085125e8f7cdc99fd91dbdf280373c5b >> 1.asc
echo 55ad340609f4b30283e4888325f1415a085125e8f7cdc99fd91dbd7280373c5b >> 2.asc
echo d8823e3156348f5bae6dacd436c919c6dd53e2b487da03fd02396306d248cda0 >> 1.asc
echo d8823e3156348f5bae6dacd436c919c6dd53e23487da03fd02396306d248cda0 >> 2.asc
echo e99f33420f577ee8ce54b67080a80d1ec69821bcb6a8839396f9652b6ff72a70 >> 1.asc
echo e99f33420f577ee8ce54b67080280d1ec69821bcb6a8839396f965ab6ff72a70 >> 2.asc
xxd -r -p 1.asc > 1.bin
xxd -r -p 2.asc > 2.bin
if cmp -l 1.bin 2.bin;then echo the two files are identical...;else echo the two files are different;fi
md5sum 1.bin 2.bin
# the commands above result in the following remarkable output:
1.bin 2.bin differ:
 20 207   7
 46 161 361
 60 362 162
 84 264  64
110 250  50
124  53 253
the two files are different
79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4  1.bin
79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4  2.bin


image Processing Tools And Tips
  1. # create a nice webpage with all your thumbnails:
     webmagick --recurse --forcehtml --forcemontage --srcdir ~/pictures --columns 4 
  2. # from tiff to eps (useful to include, e.g., a powerpoint slide in a LaTeX document):
     convert slide.tiff slide.eps 
  3. # very nice image manipulation program:


Tips To Set Up A Secure Imap Server

Configuring an imaps server (imap over ssl)

  1. # install the imap server package. This package comes with ssl support:
    sudo apt-get install uw-imapd
    # disable imap2 and imap3, enable imaps
  2. # create your own self-signed certificate, or install a commercial certificate. The certificate should be stored in /usr/lib/ssl/certs/imapd.pem, the private key in /usr/lib/ssl/private/imapd.pem. Make sure to input sensible data during the certificate generation process, as the imap client should be able to determine its trustworthiness:
    cd /usr/lib/ssl/certs
    openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out imapd.pem -keyout ../private/imapd.pem -days 365
    # Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:be
    # State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:belgium
    # Locality Name (eg, city) []:city name
    # Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:organisation name
    # Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:unit name
    # Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:secure imap server certificate, valid until XXX/XX/XXXX
    # Email Address []
  3. # you can now configure your imap client to connect to that server over ssl. Using, e.g., pine, your ~/.pinerc could look like the following to read your email in the folder ~/Mail when connecting to your imap server through SSL/TLS using yourUserid (replace yourUserid with your userid, with the hostname of your mailserver, and Mail with the directory name of your mail folder in your home directory). The example omits checking the authenticity of the imaps server's certificate:
    folder-collections="secure IMAP server"{}Mail/[]


Tips To Manipulate Jar Files
  1. # unjar all jar files found in $JARFILES into $CLASSES:
     export CLASSES=~/unjarred;
     export JARFILES=.;
     mkdir -p $CLASSES;
     cd $CLASSES;
     find $JARFILES -name \*jar -exec jar -xf {} \; 
  2. # recursive decompilation of all class files in $CLASSES, storing their decompiled version in $DECOMPILED:
     export CLASSES=~/unjarred;
     export DECOMPILED=~/decompiled;
     cd $CLASSES;
     mkdir -p $DECOMPILED;
     find -name \*class -exec jad -b -dead -o -s java -safe -ff -lnc -r -d $DECOMPILED {} \; 


Suggestions To Configure Java Browser Plugins
Java Plugin HowTo For FireFox
  • # install a recent java runtime environment, e.g., jre1.5.0 from, and unpack it:
     sudo mkdir -p /usr/java
     cd /usr/java
     sudo sh /tmp/jre-1_5_0-beta2-linux-i586.bin
  • # go to the FireFox plugin directory, and create a symbolic link from the jre plugin into this directory:
     cd ~/.firefox/plugins 
     ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0/plugin/i386/ns7/
  • # restart FireFox, and check whether the java plugin is mentioned here: about:plugins


Java Plugin HowTo For Mozilla
  • # install a recent java runtime environment, e.g., jre1.5.0 from, and unpack it:
     sudo mkdir -p /usr/java
     cd /usr/java
     sudo sh /tmp/jre-1_5_0-beta2-linux-i586.bin
  • # go to the mozilla plugin directory, and create a symbolic link from the jre plugin into this directory:
     mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins
     cd ~/.mozilla/plugins 
     ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0/plugin/i386/ns7/
  • # restart mozilla, and check whether the java plugin is mentioned if you click here
  • # an excellent HowTo on the installation of the java plugin for mozilla can be found at Hogarth's Mozilla Reference :) - How I Installed Java and Lived to Tell the Tale


Java Plugin HowTo For Opera
  • # install a recent java runtime environment, e.g., jre1.5.0 from, and unpack it:
     sudo mkdir -p /usr/java
     cd /usr/java
     sudo sh /tmp/jre-1_5_0-beta2-linux-i586.bin
  • # go to the plugin directory of opera, and create a symbolic link from the jre plugin into this directory:
     cd ~/.opera/plugins 
     ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0/plugin/i386/ns7/
  • # restart opera, and check whether the java plugin is mentioned in about:plugins
  • # consult google for further instructions if the about:plugins page does not mention any java plugin



Installing an initrd kernel image:
  • # getting the kernel images:
    apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.27-1-686 kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.27-1-686
  • # make sure your /etc/lilo.conf contains something like:
            append="ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off nomce quiet lang=us dma desktop=icewm"
  • # make sure the installer will not ask you for this check in the future:
    echo do_initrd=\"Yes\" >> /etc/kernel-img.conf
  • # continue the installation of the kernel image...
  • # I usually install a boot block using the existing /etc/lilo.conf
  • # that's it... reboot your machine and enjoy your new kernel...


Tips To Make Your LaTeX Life Easier

Powerpoint plugins

  • TexPoint is a very nice Powerpoint add-in that enables the easy use of Latex symbols and formulas in Powerpoint presentations. It has two main modes of operation: inline and display. In inline mode you can use Latex symbol-macro invocations such as "\alpha^2 \times \beta_0" on your Powepoint slides. In the display mode you can write any Latex source and Latex is run to produce a bitmap that is then inserted on the slide. The bitmap remembers its Latex source so you can modify it later.

Graphical User Interfaces

  • Kile is a user friendly Tex/LaTeX integrated editor


Tips To Repair A Broken Master Boot Record Or Lilo Configuration File
  1. # running lilo on a machine on which the lilo.conf or (master) boot record have become inconsitent or have been overwritten:
    1. # boot from the Knoppix cd and open a terminal window
    2. # specify on which partition your crippled /etc/lilo.conf can be found, and mount it:
       export PARTIT=/hda7
       sudo mount /dev/$PARTIT /mnt/$PARTIT 
    3. # copy the crippled file to a writeable location:
       sudo cp /mnt/$PARTIT/etc/lilo.conf ~/ 
    4. # edit the erroneous lilo.conf to fix the problem:
       sudo joe ~/lilo.conf 
    5. # make sure to replace each occurrence of `=/boot` by `=/mnt/hda7/boot` (given that your unix operating system is stored on /dev/hda7)
    6. # execute lilo:
       sudo ln -sf /mnt/$PARTIT/boot/ /
       sudo lilo -C ~/lilo.conf 
    7. # reboot the machine without the Knoppix cd
       sudo shutdown -r now 
    8. # remember to repair the lilo.conf again once your machine boots again...


Tips To Manipulate The Speed Settings Of Your Network Interface

mii-tool (media-independent interface status manipulation tool):

  • # finding out which settings your network interface agreed on with your hub/router/switch/...:
    sudo mii-tool
  • # specify 10 mbps, full duplex:
    sudo mii-tool --force=10baseT-FD eth0
  • # specify 10 mbps, half duplex:
    sudo mii-tool --force=10baseT-HD eth0
  • # specify 100 mbps, full duplex:
    sudo mii-tool --force=100baseTx-FD eth0
  • # specify 100 mbps, half duplex:
    sudo mii-tool --force=100baseTx-HD eth0


Tips To Configure Your Laptop's Modem

Basic setup of a modem in linux
Making a modem work consists of two phases: the modem device must first be made available, and then configured.

  1. # configuring the modem driver:
    1. # a modem found in, e.g., an hp compaw nw8000 laptop computer reports Modem: Intel Corp. 82801DB AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 3) when checking the output of
      cat /proc/pci
      This modem can be activated with a 2.6.x linux kernel once the sl-modem-daemon package is installed:
      sudo apt-get install sl-modem-daemon
    2. # an intel modem 82801ca/cam, as can be found in a dell latitude c640:
      • # locate the appropriate modem driver from the Internet:
         cd /tmp;
      • # unpack the stuff:
         tar -xzvf pctel-0.9.6.tar.gz 
      • # configure the make files for your platform:
         cd /tmp/pctel-0.9.6
         ./configure --with-hal=i8xx 
      • # make and install the stuff if successful:
         if make;then sudo make install;else echo problem making the stuff =============;fi 
      • # make sure that the modem modules are loaded at boot time:
         echo pctel >> /etc/modules-`uname -r`
         echo ptserial  >> /etc/modules-`uname -r` 
  2. # configuring the dial in program wvdial:
    • # run the configuration program (if this program does not seem to find your modem, you may have a problem which is not within the scope of this page: read the INSTALL and README files of the modem driver software, e.g., at
       sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf 
    • # Note that this program probably terminates mentioning where your modem has been found, e.g.,
       Found a modem on /dev/ttyLT0, using link /dev/modem in config. 
      indicates that the modem device is /dev/ttyLT0
    • # edit /etc/wvdial.conf to specify the phone number you wish to dial, the userid that must be used, and the password which should be presented:
       joe /etc/wvdial.conf 
      This file typically looks like this:
      [Dialer Defaults]
      Modem = /dev/modem
      Baud = 115200
      Init1 = ATZ
      Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
      ISDN = 0
      Modem Type = Analog Modem
      Phone = <Target Phone Number>
      Username = <Your Login Name>
      Password = <Your Password> 
  3. # test your modem configuration:
     sudo wvdial 
  4. # if the program claims not to be able to detect /dev/modem, you should create a symbolic link pointing to the modem device (assume /dev/ttyLT0 is reported by the wvdialconf program ):
     ln -sf /dev/ttyLT0 /dev/modem 
  5. # you can now use your modem to dial to your Internet service provider using:
     sudo wvdial 

Additional information

  1. # you can read additional information on popular modem tools at the Modem-HOWTO. This page gives tips for software to deal with fax, dialback, statistics, etc.


Tips For Mysql
  1. # setting the server root password:
     mysql -uroot mysql
     mysql>UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('mysqlrootpassword') WHERE user='root';
  2. # initial setting up of diogenes:
     mysql -uroot -p"mysqlrootpassword"
     mysql> use diogenes;
     mysql> insert into diogenes_auth set username="root",password=MD5(""),perms="admin";
     mysql> quit


# In case you wish to clone a MAC address on your machine, specify this address in /etc/network/interfaces:
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
        hwaddr wh:at:ev:er:ad:dr 
If you wish to specify a static ip address, this would become:
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static
        netmask 255.255.255.x


Tips To Set Up Nfs And A Secure Tunneling Solution To Mount Remote File Systems With Shfs

SHFS -- "Mount ANY dir from ANY host in a SECURE way"

# shfs is a very nice way to circumvent the insecurities of nfs. It can mount a remote directory on your local machine, just as one would do with nfs (shfsmount and shfsumount understand the same syntax as the normal nfs mount and umount commands, but in stead of sending the files in the clear, they are sent through an ssh tunnel)...

Installing shfs

  1. basic installation:
    1. for debian/stable (woody):
      sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r` fakeroot debhelper
      cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`
      sudo ln -s /usr/src/kernel-headers-`uname -r` build
      mkdir /tmp/shfs
      cd /tmp/shfs
      wget # or any other server
      tar -xzvf shfs-0.35.tar.gz
      cd shfs-0.35
      make deb
      sudo dpkg -i ../shfs*deb
      sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/shfsmount /usr/bin/shfsumount
    2. for debian/testing and debian/unstable:
      sudo apt-get install shfs-source shfs-utils module-assistant
      sudo module-assistant build shfs
      sudo module-assistant install shfs
      sudo modprobe /lib/modules/2.4.27/shfs/shfs.o
      echo shfs >> /etc/modules
  2. finishing touch:
    1. # once the shfs system works correctly, you can add a line similar to the following to your /etc/fstab:
      userid@remoteMachine:/remoteDirectory   /home/userid/remoteDirectory shfs       rw,user,noauto     0       0

Using shfs

  1. # mounting a remote directory. the --persistent flag makes the mount survive temporary connection outage by reconnecting to the server if it went down:
    mkdir ~/remoteDir
    shfsmount --persistent $$USER ~/remoteDir
  2. # mounting a remote home directory in nfs-replacement mode (i.e., preserving userid and groupid, making it available to all users, each user has only access to the files he/she is allowed to access, based on file/directory access permissions), and with symlink resolution (-s):
    mkdir -p /fileserver/home
    shfsmount -s --persistent /fileserver/home -o preserve,rmode=755
  3. # unmounting a mounted remote filesystem:
    shfsumount ~/remoteDir

Information about nfs

  1. # this link provides a very nice introduction to nfs
  2. # figuring out what nfs version some host uses:
     rpcinfo -p hostname |grep nfs 

For those who really need nfs (as you should consider using shfs in nfs mode rather than nfs!)

Configuring an nfs server

  1. # edit /etc/exports to reflect to which nfs clients you wish to export filesystems of your nfs server. Example: you may wish to export the /home filesystem of your nfs server to an nfs client computer with a particular ipaddress. The nfs client can mount the filesystem in readwrite mode:

Configuring an nfs client

  1. # create a mountpoint /remoteHome whereto you will mount the filesystem /home of the nfs server:
    mkdir /remoteHome
  2. # you can now mount the file server's filesystem:
    sudo mount -t nfs /remoteHome
  3. # if you wish to mount the remote filesystem persistently, you can add the following line to your /etc/fstab:
    echo      /remoteHome     nfs     defaults        0 0 >> /etc/fstab


Useful Helper Programs And Tools
  1. # the most useful and userfriendly introductory to unix commands, both for beginners and advanced users can be found at
  2. # flip can be used to convert text files in the current directory and below from unix format (linefeed, 0x0a, LF) to windows format (carriage return + linefeed, 0x0d0a, CRLF):
     find . -type f -exec flip -d {} \; 
  3. # flip can be used to convert text files in the current directory and below from windows format (carriage return + linefeed, 0x0d0a, CRLF) to unix format (linefeed, 0x0a, LF):
     find . -type f -exec flip -u {} \; 
  4. # clean up an html page:
  5. # reformat paragraphs in a text file:
  6. # reformat a text file:
  7. # what the fuck decodes acronyms:
     wtf wtf; wtf afaik 
  8. # one-line information on many commands and programs:
     whatis whatis 
  9. # more extensive information on a particular commands or item:
     man whatis 
  10. # helpful information on built-in commands of the current shell (most probably bash):
     help help 
  11. # fun with ascii art:
     for a in /usr/share/cowsay/cows/*cow;do fortune -s|cowsay -f $a;done|less
  12. # and -- the auto nice daemon: automatically renices cpu-demanding processes
     sudo apt-get install and 
  13. # kile -- a very user-friendly LaTeX front-end
  14. # Dictionary lookup:
     dict term 
  15. # Fortune cookies matching a specific pattern:
     fortune -i -m pattern 
  16. # Gnome-based hex editor
  17. # List information on all open files that belong to all active processes, the status of the modules currently available to the kernel, a quick overview (interrupts, ioports, dma) on the currently installed hardware, the currently installed pci devices, and the currently active usb devices:
    lsof; lsmod; lsdev; lspci; lsusb 
  18. # Network load overview:
     netload eth0 -t 5 
  19. # finding out which type of machine you are working on:
     uname -a 
  20. # finding out some interesting information on a particular host or machine:
     nslookup -querytype=any
     whois --verbose ipaddress
     host -a
  21. the following link provides very useful information on various frequently used unix commands: introduction to various unix tools


Tips For Nfs And A Secure Tunneling Solution To Mount Remote File Systems With Shfs

Configuring a nis client

  1. # configure the shadow, passwd and group files:
    echo +::::::::  >> /etc/shadow
    echo +::::::    >> /etc/passwd
    echo +:::       >> /etc/group
  2. # set the identification string of your nis domain:
    echo nisServerIdentificationString > /etc/defaultdomain
  3. # set the ipaddress of the nis master (remember that nis does not perform dns queries):
    echo ypserver > /etc/yp.conf
  4. # install the nis package:
    sudo apt-get install -y nis
  5. # start the nis daemon:
    sudo /etc/init.d/nis restart
  6. # you can now test whether the stuff works by requesting the possible userids which your nis server provides:
    ypcat passwd


Tips To Mount Your ntfs Read/write
  1. # with the following command you prepare your knoppix 3.4 (and higher) machine to mount an NTFS partition readwrite. This command has to be executed only once:
     sudo captive-install-acquire
  2. Press the ``forward'' button twice to start scanning your harddisk for native ntfs drivers. After a few minutes, the program may crash (i.e., the program crashes on my machine), but this does not seem to have an impact at all...
  3. # once captive-install-acquire has finished, you can prepare the /etc/fstab to include a specific item for your ntfs partition in rw mode:
     sudo captive-install-fstab -v --add 
  4. # you can now mount the partition in readwrite mode with:
     sudo mount /mnt/captive-noname 


Tips For Compile And Use Opensc
  1. # a very nice technical guide to openssl user authentication with apache using certificates and smartcards
  2. # installing opensc:
     mkdir -p $TARGETDIR
     cd $TARGETDIR
     cvs -z3 -d co opensc
     cd $TARGETDIR/opensc
     time sudo make install
  3. # prepare a pkcs#15 card:
     pkcs15-init $debugLevel -T --erase-card --create-pkcs15 --profile pkcs15 -a 45 -l 45 --pin 1234 --puk 123456 --so-pin 123456 --so-puk 12345678
     pkcs15-init $debugLevel -T -P -a 45 -l 45 --pin 1234 --puk 123456 --so-pin 123456 --so-puk 12345678 


Tips To Use Openssl
  1. # a very nice technical guide to openssl user authentication with apache using certificates and smartcards
  2. # a very interesting overview with useful examples of commonly used openssl commands:
  3. # compute the crypt password as used by many unix systems:
     openssl passwd 
  4. # generate and print a 1024-bit rsa key pair:
     openssl genrsa -out rsa.key.pair 1024
     openssl rsa -in rsa.key.pair -text -noout 
  5. # convert a certificate from DER into PEM format:
     openssl x509 -in cert.der -inform DER -outform PEM -out cert.pem 
  6. # verify the validity of a certificate using openssl, given a file cacerts.txt which holds a concatenation of trusted ca certificates in PEM format:
     openssl verify -CAfile cacerts.txt -purpose any cert1.pem cert2.pem 
  7. # having a look at the content of a certificate revocation list:
     openssl crl -in crl.der -inform DER -text -noout|less 
  8. # compiling a sample engine for openssl 0.9.7x:
     mkdir -p $TARGETDIR
     cd $TARGETDIR
     tar -xzvf openssl-0.9.7*
     cd openssl*/demos/engines
     tar -xzvf ../../../rsaref2.tar.gz
     mv rsaref2/* rsaref
     rmdir rsaref2
     cd rsaref
     patch -p0 < patch.rsaref.makefile
     make gnu
    # once the engine has been compiled, you can copy into a directory where you keep your shared libraries, e.g.,
     mkdir ~/lib
     cp ~/lib 
    # you can now enjoy using your engine as follows:
     openssl engine -vvvv dynamic -pre SO_PATH:$HOME/lib/ -pre ID:rsaref -pre LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD -t -c 
     fortune > data.txt
     openssl md5 -engine rsaref data.txt
    # note that it is important to specify the absolute path to the shared library...


Tips To Set Up An OSGi Framework
  1. # download the excellent and open-source OSGi gateway framework of, and store it in /tmp:
     cd /tmp
     export KNOPFLERFISH_BIN=/tmp/knopflerfish_osgi_1.0.2.jar 
  2. # specify where the installation should go:
     export KNOPFLERFISH=~/osgi
     mkdir -p $KNOPFLERFISH 
  3. # launch the installation program:
     cd $KNOPFLERFISH;java -jar $KNOPFLERFISH_BIN -batch 
  4. # running the framework:
     cd $KNOPFLERFISH/knopflerfish_osgi_1.0.2/;java -jar framework.jar 


Tips To Manage Your Partitions
  1. # GRUB mini HowTo, boot loader which is even more powerfull than lilo
  2. # enumerate all the partitions which are currently known to /proc/partitions:
     fdisk -l 
  3. # add ext3 journalling information to some ext2 partition:
     tune2fs -j /dev/hda2 
  4. # remove ext3 journalling information from an ext3 partition other than the root partition (have a look at if you wish to remove ext3 journalling data from the root device):
     tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/hda2;e2fsck /dev/hda2 
  5. # creating a large vfat partition on your unix box:
     mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/hda8 
  6. # undelete a file on a vfat partition:
     dosfsck -r -u path/file /dev/hdaXX 


perl Tips
  1. # look for a specific pattern in standard input (binary or text files) and print the pattern's byte-offset:
    while($a =~ m/pattern/gs){
            print join(/:/,@-)."\n";
  2. # find all common lines in two files (cfr.,
     perl -ne 'print if ($seen{$_} .= @ARGV) =~ /10$/' fileA fileB >output 


Tips To Use Pgp
  1. # a very handy HowTo wrt gpg:
  2. # a very handy HowTo wrt gpg can be found at, and its reference manual at
  3. # encrypt a file with the encryption algorithm IDEA using a passphrase:
     pgp -c plaintext -o ciphertext.pgp 
  4. # decrypt a file with the encryption algorithm IDEA using a passphrase:
     pgp -d ciphertext.pgp 


Installation Guidelines To Enable S/MIME In Pine

pine with s/mime, patches for pine4.61 and pine4.60 (produced by myself, based on the ``original'' pine4.58 produced by Jonathan Paisley and Martin Kouril)

  1. # the following steps prepare the pine configuration files so that you can validate signatures from smiming people using a Belgian eID card :))
     mkdir -p ~/.pine-smime/ca ~/.pine-smime/public ~/.pine-smime/private
     cd ~/.pine-smime/ca
     for certificateInDerFormat in *crt
            openssl x509 -in $certificateInDerFormat -inform der -outform pem -out `basename $certificateInDerFormat`.pem
            ln -sf `basename $certificateInDerFormat`.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in $certificateInDerFormat -inform der`.0
            rm $certificateInDerFormat
    Make sure to enable signature verification in pine's configuration file (<M>ain menu, <S>etup, <C>onfig, smime-options: verify-on).
    You should also put your trusted root certificates in ~/.pine-smime/ca: place the DER-formatted files in ~/.pine-smime/ca (make sure they are called *.crt), and re-run the for-loop.
    If the certificates are already in pem-format (and have the *.pem extension), you can prepare them to use with pine with:
     cd ~/.pine-smime/ca
     for certificateInPemFormat in *.pem
            ln -sf $certificateInPemFormat `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in $certificateInPemFormat`.0
  2. # after the configuration files have been set up, you have to prepare pine itself to make it support smime and time stamping. The patch for pine4.61 is the result of Jonathan Paisley, Martin Kouril, Henrik Edlund and Danny De Cock. It is wise to copy and paste the following commands ``step by step''. If your self-compiled pine binary crashes for one reason or another, this problem might be solved rebuilding everything using gcc-2.95:
    • # if you have sudo, you might wish to first activate your root privileges (of course after having analyzed and tested the stuff appropriately):
       sudo ls
    • # initial preparation of the installation directories (the stuff works correctly for me on linux (debian and redhat), osf and cygwin):
       mkdir -p $PINEDIR $PINEFILES
       cd $PINEDIR
       if [ :$UNAME: == :OSF1: ]
       if [ :$UNAME: == :Linux: ]
       if [ :$UNAME: == :CYGWIN_NT-5.1: ]
       if $COMPILER --version &> /dev/null
       echo using compiler option :$COMPILER: for this :$UNAME: system
       if time ls &> /dev/null
       if sudo ls
         echo assuming sudo is allowed
         if [ :$UNAME: == :CYGWIN_NT-5.1: ]
         echo assuming sudo is not allowed
         if [ :$UNAME: == :CYGWIN_NT-5.1: ]
    • # download the source code of the most recent version of pine, openssl, the time stamping patch for openssl (comes from, etc...
       cd $PINEFILES
       $TIME wget -N --retr-symlinks ts-20040320-0_9_7d-patch.gz
       $TIME wget -N --retr-symlinks
       $TIME wget -N --retr-symlinks
    • # apply the time stamping patches to openssl:
       cd $PINEDIR
       rm -rf openssl-0.9.7d
       $TIME tar -xzf $PINEFILES/openssl-0.9.7d.tar.gz
       cd $PINEDIR/openssl-0.9.7d
       gzip -dc $PINEFILES/ts-20040320-0_9_7d-patch.gz | $TIME patch -p1
       $TIME ./config $OPENSSLPREFIX
       $SUDO $TIME make install
    • # apply the s/mime patch to pine and compile it:
       cd $PINEDIR
       rm -rf pine4.61
       $TIME tar -xzf $PINEFILES/pine.tar.gz
       $TIME wget -N --retr-symlinks smime.patch.for.pine4.61
       cd $PINEDIR/pine4.61
       cat ../smime.patch.for.pine4.61 | $TIME patch -p2
    • # you can now execute the smime-enabled pine:
    • # if it works, you can ``install'' it and include it in your default path:
       mkdir -p ~/bin.$UNAME
       cp $PINEDIR/pine4.61/bin/pine$EXTENSION ~/bin.$UNAME
       echo export PATH=~/bin.$UNAME:\$PATH >> ~/.bash_profile
      # if it does not work, you might try to compile the stuff again with a different compiler (remember that I got it all working using version 2.95 of gcc), e.g.:
      # you can get a list of the compilers with:
       find /usr/bin -type f -iname gcc\*
       find /usr/local/bin -type f -iname gcc\*


Project And Time Management

# the task juggler is a very powerful project management tool that lets the user specify a task juggler project in a simple text format by listing all tasks and their dependencies. This text file is processed by TaskJuggler which produces various reports in html and xml format. The juggler does not only honor the task interdependencies, but also takes resource constraints into account. The user can create task lists, resource usage tables, status reports, project calendars, and project accounting statements by using the program's filtering and reporting algorithms. The program includes tools producing GANTT and Pert charts

# I got it working on debian following the following steps:

apt-get install
apt-get install libpostscript-simple-perl
apt-get install libclass-methodmaker-perl
apt-get install xsltproc
apt-get install docbook-utils
apt-get install jade
./configure --with-kde-support=yes
# apply the patch described on to
sudo make install
cd ~/taskjuggler 
tar -xjf taskjuggler-cvs.tar.bz2
cd taskjuggler-cvs/
# edit docs/en/Makefile and remove all makefile bodies which call db2html
sudo make install

Basic usage
# once the task juggler has been installed, you can start experimenting with your first projects:

mkdir ~/examples
cd ~/examples/
cp -a /usr/local/share/doc/packages/taskjuggler/Examples .
cd Examples/FirstProject
# generating the project overview sheets
taskjuggler AccountingSoftware.tjp
# regenerate the acso.eps and acso_poster.eps


Tips For Ramdisk
  1. # Ramdisk creation:
    • # determine the number of megabytes of the ramdisk, its location and its mount point:
      export RAMDISKSIZE=128000
      export RAMDISK=/dev/ram
      export RAMMOUNTPOINT=/mnt/ram
    • # create the ramdisk (using dd makes sure it does not have holes):
      sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=$RAMDISK bs=1k count=$RAMDISKSIZE
    • # initialize the ramdisk with a filesystem:
      sudo mke2fs -vm0 $RAMDISK $RAMDISKSIZE
    • # activate the new ramdisk:
      sudo mkdir -p $RAMMOUNTPOINT
      sudo mount $RAMDISK $RAMMOUNTPOINT
    • # change the ramdisk permissions:
      sudo chmod a+rwx /mnt/ram
  2. # Swap file creation:
    • # determine the number of megabytes of the swapfile and its location (make sure to specify a target location with enough free space to accomodate the swap file!! Creating a swap file on the root filesystem is not recommended...):
      export SWAPSIZE=512
      export SWAPFILE=/var/run/swapfile.$SWAPSIZE
    • # create the swap file (using dd makes sure the swap file does not have holes):
      sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=$SWAPFILE bs=1M count=$SWAPSIZE && sync && sync
    • # initialize the swap file:
      sudo mkswap -c $SWAPFILE
    • # check the current swap settings:
      cat /proc/swaps
    • # activate the new swap space:
      sudo swapon $SWAPFILE
    • # compare the new swap settings with the previous ones:
      cat /proc/swaps
    • # if you wish to use this swap file permanently, you should add it to the /etc/fstab:
      echo $SWAPFILE swap swap default 0 0|sudo bash -c "cat >> /etc/fstab"


Tips To Use Screen


Features of screen:
  • it keeps text-based programs which need interaction with their user running, even when the connection between your client machine and the server you are working on dies for unkown reasons (e.g., if your windows machine suddenly dies)
Elementary usage guidelines:
  • # start the screen to make sure you can safely lose your connection while working:
  • # open whatever interactive program you like, e.g., an editor or your favourite email program such as pine in the current screen session:
    joe /tmp/whatever
  • # open another shell window in that same screen session by pressing
    ctrl-a c
  • # read the man page for screen in this new session:
    man screen
  • # go back to your editor window:
    ctrl-a 0
  • # create a third shell window:
    ctrl-a c
  • # you can go to the next screen with
    ctrl-a n
  • # you can go to the previous screen with
    ctrl-a p
  • # you can now detach your screen session in case you wish to do something else:
    ctrl-a d
  • # once the screen session has been detached, you can also re-attach it:
    screen -r
  • # if you have a screen session which is active on a remote machine, you can remotely detach it:
    screen -d
  • # I commonly use the following commands to detach an existing screen session and to re-attach it immediately:
    screen -d;screen -r




Tips For Sed
  1. # have sed fetch all lines from a text file starting from the sixth line:
     sed -n '6,$p' file.txt 
  2. # append line i to line i+1 if line i+1 starts with $PATTERN:
     sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n$PATTERN/$PATTERN/g' file.txt 
  3. # a list of handy one-liners for the unix stream editor sed can be found at


Tips For Ssh
  1. # pushing data to an ssh server:
     tar czf - files/directories | ssh user@host "cd /fullpath && tar xzvf -" 
  2. # pushing data to a tar.gz file on a remote ssh server:
     tar czf - files/directories | ssh user@host "cat > /fullpath/file.tgz" 
  3. # pulling data from an ssh server:
     ssh user@host "tar czf - files/directories" | tar xzvf - 


Tips For Sshd
  1. # configuring sshd by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config to minimize break-in potential through the use of weak passwords and cryptographic mechanisms.
    # Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to make sure that:
    • # the use of the ssh protocol verion 1 is disabled and its hostkeys are not specified
    • # the password and publickey authentication methods are enabled
    • # the list of block ciphers and mac algorithms that can be used is updated

    # You can accomplish this if you specify the following lines in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
     Protocol 2
     # HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
     PasswordAuthentication no
     PubkeyAuthentication yes
     Ciphers aes256-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour
     MACs hmac-ripemd160,hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96
    # Paolo Falcioni kindly provided a ready-to use copy of /etc/ssh/sshd_config which already contains this finetuning


Tips To Get Your Computer's System Clock Properly Synchronized
  1. # install and run ntpdate:
    echo NTPSERVERS="" >> /etc/default/ntpdate
    apt-get install ntpdate
    /etc/init.d/ntpdate restart
  2. # set your machine's time zone correctly:
    sudo tzconfig
  3. # read out the hardware clock of your computer:
    sudo hwclock


Tips For System Recovery
  1. # bootdisk: provides various boot disks and utilities for both unix and windows system recovery and maintenance
  2. # Mounting disks with Linux' loopback device, e.g.. mounting the first partition found in a raw disk dump $Dump:
    1. # assume $Dump points at the hard disk dump (this dump may have been obtained using a command like `dd if=/dev/hda of=$Dump conv=noerror`):
       export Dump=/tmp/dump.img 
    2. # have a look at the partition table:
       sudo fdisk -u -l $Dump 
    3. # compute the partition offset of the desired partition:
       export StartSector=63     # fdisk shows the start sector for each partition it finds
       export BytesPerSector=512 # fdisk reports this as the unit size (in bytes)
       export Offset=$[$StartSector*$BytesPerSector] 
    4. # mount the partition (e.g., assuming fdisk reported an ntfs or vfat partition, have a look at `cat /proc/filesystems` to know which filesystems your kernel recognizes, and extend the list of partition types to try accordingly):
       export MountPoint=/tmp/dump
       sudo mkdir -p $MountPoint
       for PartitionType in ntfs vfat;do
         sudo mount -o loop,ro,offset=$Offset -t $PartitionType $Dump $MountPoint;
       sudo ls -aRl $MountPoint 
  3. # shell script to create a lilo boot floppy
  4. # provides a very nice offline nt password and registry editor... Ideal to edit the registry of an NT machine, and to (re)set the password of any user with a valid (local) account on your NT system... Shutdown your computer, boot off the floppydisk or CD (provided by the author of this site), fix the problem, and that's it!!
  5. # IBM's excellent system recovery page
  6. # An entry point to *a lot* `how do I...?'-items can be found at


Tips For Tape Drives

Tape archiving (works for an HP StorageWorks Ultrium 460 using an Adaptec AIC-7892A U160/m (rev 2) SCSI controller)

  1. # use modconf to load the appropriate module for your scsi adapter (e.g., kernel/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx_old)
  2. # use modconf to load the module which provides scsi tape support (i.e., kernel/drivers/scsi/st). Once these modules have been loaded successfully, your scsi tape drive and adapter should appear at the end of
  3. # Assume dmesg reports your scsi tape drive as st0:
     if [ :$TAPEDRIVE: == :: ];then export TAPEDRIVE=st0;fi
     if [ :$REWINDEDTAPE_DEV: == :: ];then export REWINDEDTAPE_DEV=/dev/$TAPEDRIVE;fi
     if [ :$UNREWINDEDTAPE_DEV: == :: ];then export UNREWINDEDTAPE_DEV=/dev/n$TAPEDRIVE;fi 
  4. # rewind the current tape:
     time mt -f $REWINDEDTAPE_DEV rewind 
  5. # append new data from $DATADIR to the end of the current tape:
     time mt -f $REWINDEDTAPE_DEV rewind  
     time while tar -tzf $UNREWINDEDTAPE_DEV;do date;done #> /tmp/tape.content.txt
     time tar -czvf $UNREWINDEDTAPE_DEV --totals --label=":full backup of :$DATADIR: created on `date`:" $DATADIR 
  6. # add $DATADIR to the tape archive without first rewinding the tape:
     if [ :$DATADIR: == :: ];then DATADIR=/home;fi
     time tar -czvf $UNREWINDEDTAPE_DEV --totals --label=":full backup of :$DATADIR: created on `date`:" $DATADIR 
  7. # rewind the current tape and list its content:
     time mt -f $REWINDEDTAPE_DEV rewind
     time while tar -tzf $UNREWINDEDTAPE_DEV;do date;done #> /tmp/backup.tape.content.txt 
  8. # restore all data from the current tape, given that it matches $PATTERN:
     time mt -f $REWINDEDTAPE_DEV rewind
     if [ :$PATTERN: == :: ];then PATTERN=$USER;fi
     if [ :$RESTORED: == :: ];then RESTORED="/tmp/restored.from.tape.on.`date`";fi
     mkdir -p "$RESTORED"
     cd "$RESTORED";time while tar -xzvf $UNREWINDEDTAPE_DEV \*$PATTERN\*;do date;done 
  9. # eject the current tape after rewinding:
     time mt -f $REWINDEDTAPE_DEV offline 


Tips For Usb Devices
  1. # if you want to make sure that usb 2.0 devices are used at their maximum throughput, you should load the ehci-hcd module at boot time:
     echo ehci-hcd >> /etc/modules-`uname -r` 


Usb Adsl Modems
# eciAdsl driver, usb adsl driver provides lots of linux drivers for various usb adsl modems


Links To Free Tools Suitable For Forensic Computing
Foundstone</a> provides the best tools I found so far to interpret Microsoft Windows' Internet Explorer index.dat (with Pasco) and cookies files (with Galleta), info2 files which index the recycle bin, and many more... Sources can be downloaded from the ODESSA project (the open digital evidence search and seizure architecture) at Foundstone provides the best tools I found so far to interpret Microsoft Windows' Internet Explorer index.dat (with Pasco) and cookies files (with Galleta), info2 files which index the recycle bin, and many more... Sources can be downloaded from the ODESSA project (the open digital evidence search and seizure architecture) at
digital detective</a> provides another collection of very nice free forensic computing tools and utilities (mostly windows) digital detective provides another collection of very nice free forensic computing tools and utilities (mostly windows)
e-evidence info</a> provides a nice overview of (mostly windows) programs useful for forensic purposes e-evidence info provides a nice overview of (mostly windows) programs useful for forensic purposes


vmware</a> allows you to run multiple operating systems -- simultaneously on a single PC; develop, test, and deploy multi-use applications (client, server, data center) on a single machine; and spend less time configuring and rebooting, more time developing... vmware allows you to run multiple operating systems -- simultaneously on a single PC; develop, test, and deploy multi-use applications (client, server, data center) on a single machine; and spend less time configuring and rebooting, more time developing...


Tips To Mirror Web Pages
  1. # recursively fetching all links referred to in a url without including the url's `upper' links and retrieving only files if they are newer than the local version:
     wget -r -N --retr-symlinks -np http://url 
  2. # recursively fetching all links referred to in a url without including the url's `upper' links:
     wget -r -np http://url 


Scripts I Made To Create And Design This Web Site
This website has been created using my own bash scripts as I could not find any decent and easy-to-use system to design my new website. I consider it the most powerful and versatile website design tool ever created ];-)
The whole website is location independent, i.e., the directory structure can be copied from one webserver to another without having to deal with broken internal links: all internal links are relative to eachother. E.g., I have three copies of this website. You can transparently visit three (almost) identical websites: There might be minor differences between these copies, as I do not automatically synchronize them.

No other tools or bash commands/constructions than those commonly available on almost all machines have been used on pure text to produce my marvelous (ahum) website.
An exhaustive enumeration: basename, cat, cd, cp, date, dirname, echo, find, for-do-done, grep, if-then-else-fi, mkdir, mv, rm, sed, seq, sort, test, time, touch, uniq, wc, while, zip.

The scripts also launch a few (optional) tools to improve the website's overall quality, look and feel, and to make sure the html pages are consistent with the current (x)html standards:

  • checklink, a great but time-consuming tool which nicely discovers dead links, but it produces rather many false positives, e.g., on https urls
  • apcalc, an advanced arbitrary precision calculator
  • fortune, adds some random fun to the pages
  • ispell, to reduce the number of misspelled words
  • perl, to determine the dimensions the various logos
  • tidy, makes sure that the pages contain syntactically correct html
  • wget, to eliminate false dead links reported by checklink
I have based this website's look and feel on the default layout of Diogenes.



Configuring your wireless card
# activating your wireless network card (provided your network card is recognized as ath0, and that you are using Knoppix):

  1. # configure the wireless card (ssid, encryption keys, etc):
  2. # add the following lines to /etc/network/interfaces:
     auto ath0
     iface ath0 inet dhcp 
  3. # (re)start the network daemon:
     sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 
# if you are not using a Knoppix-based system, you could try to enable your wireless networkcard with:

Configuring your wireless router or access point

  • # use a well-chosen SSID (i.e., the string which identifies your wirless network) which does not identify yourself (remember that a wireless network can be discovered from large distances)
  • # do not broadcast the SSID
  • # use a well-chosen WEP encryption key (at least 128-bit WEP)
  • # protect the access to the configuration interface of your wireless router or access point with a (non-default) password


Tips and Tricks For Non-windows Experts
  1. # have a look at the excellent table of equivalents/replacements/analogs of windows software in linux
  2. # use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard to back up your windows xp profile for recovery or reinstallation: Start the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard (go to Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and click File and Settings Transfer Wizard; alternatively, you can type from the command prompt:
  3. # figure out your network settings on xp:
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\ipconfig.exe /all
  4. # include the euro symbol in your microsoft excel spreadsheet (given keyboard layout us-101):
    alt 0128
  5. # include the euro symbol in your microsoft word documents:
    ctrl-alt e
    Follow the following path to launch an easy to use application which gives you many more symbols that you can easily paste: Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System tools -> Character map
  6. # unix utilities for windows: GNU utilities for Win32
  7. # ltools: accessing your ext2 partition from windows given a java gui (caveat: it kills my xp box as soon as the application terminates, i.e., it is better to reboot the machine rather than to close the application).
    You can better use explore2fs.exe!!
  8. # explore2fs.exe allows yo to browse a linux ext2 file system with a windows explorer-like interface


Handy Tools For Windows Users
DAEMON Tools is a virtual cd/dvd-rom emulator. It is able to emulate nearly all known copy protections on the market today DAEMON Tools is a virtual cd/dvd-rom emulator. It is able to emulate nearly all known copy protections on the market today


Wiping Data
wipe</a>, a unix tool for secure data deletion wipe, a unix tool for secure data deletion


Tips For X11
  1. # the following shortcut restarts the X-server which is currently active on your console:
    Note that this shortcut logs out the user of the X-server. This method is particularly useful to punish people who use a screen locker on machines which should be shared among different people
  2. # usb mouse troubleshooting: It may happen that the automatically generated file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 does not include correct settings for your usb mouse. If the command
    cat /dev/input/mice|hexdump|timeout 30 head -5
    outputs some data in hexadecimal format when moving your usb mouse, you may try to configure the mouse-specific sections of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 by hand, e.g., given the following:
     Section "ServerLayout"
             Identifier     "XFree86 Configured"
             Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
             InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
     # PS/2 Mouse not detected
     # Serial Mouse not detected
             InputDevice    "USB Mouse" "CorePointer"
     Section "InputDevice"
             Identifier      "USB Mouse"
             Driver          "mouse"
             Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"
             Option          "SendCoreEvents"        "true"
             Option          "Protocol"              "IMPS/2"
             Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
             Option          "Buttons"               "5"
  3. # nice X11 configuration tool for Knoppix:
    sudo kxconfig
  4. # nice /etc/X11/XF86Config generation tool used by Knoppix:
  5. # if you wish to specify an additional X display which can be accessed through ctrl+alt+8, you could add the following line to /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers:
    :1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X vt8 -dpi 100 -nolisten tcp
  6. # installing the xv.rpm:
  7. # you could also give it a try compiling and installing xv yourself:
    • # fetch and unpack the sources:
      cd /tmp
      tar -xzvf xv-3.10a.tar.gz
      cd xv-3.10a
    • # read the README and INSTALL files, and pay the registration fee of 25 dollar
    • # replace 'extern char *sys_errlist[]; /* this too... */' by 'extern __const char *__const sys_errlist[];':
      cat xv.h|sed s/"extern char \*sys_errlist\[\]; \/\* this too... \*\/"/"extern __const char \*__const sys_errlist\[\];"/ > xv.h.tmp;
      mv xv.h.tmp xv.h
    • # make sure that the X11 libraries are found:
      cat Makefile|sed s/"LIBS = -lX11 \$(JPEGLIB) \$(TIFFLIB) -lm"/"LIBS = -L\/usr\/X11R6\/lib -lX11 \$(JPEGLIB) \$(TIFFLIB) -lm"/ > Makefile.tmp
      mv Makefile.tmp Makefile
    • # execute the make file and install the stuff if successful:
      if make;then
      sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man1;
      sudo make install;



Howto For Debian/sarge


New Page Title

put here your section header

# text...

section header

# text...
