pine with s/mime, patches for pine4.61 and pine4.60 (produced by myself, based on the ``original'' pine4.58 produced by Jonathan Paisley and Martin Kouril)
- # the following steps prepare the pine configuration files so that you can validate signatures from smiming people using a Belgian eID card :))
mkdir -p ~/.pine-smime/ca ~/.pine-smime/public ~/.pine-smime/private cd ~/.pine-smime/ca wget for certificateInDerFormat in *crt do openssl x509 -in $certificateInDerFormat -inform der -outform pem -out `basename $certificateInDerFormat`.pem ln -sf `basename $certificateInDerFormat`.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in $certificateInDerFormat -inform der`.0 rm $certificateInDerFormat done
Make sure to enable signature verification in pine's configuration file (<M>ain menu, <S>etup, <C>onfig, smime-options: verify-on).
You should also put your trusted root certificates in ~/.pine-smime/ca: place the DER-formatted files in ~/.pine-smime/ca (make sure they are called *.crt), and re-run the for-loop.
If the certificates are already in pem-format (and have the *.pem extension), you can prepare them to use with pine with:cd ~/.pine-smime/ca for certificateInPemFormat in *.pem do ln -sf $certificateInPemFormat `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in $certificateInPemFormat`.0 done
- # after the configuration files have been set up, you have to prepare pine itself to make it support smime and time stamping. The patch for pine4.61 is the result of Jonathan Paisley, Martin Kouril, Henrik Edlund and Danny De Cock. It is wise to copy and paste the following commands ``step by step''. If your self-compiled pine binary crashes for one reason or another, this problem might be solved rebuilding everything using gcc-2.95:
- # if you have sudo, you might wish to first activate your root privileges (of course after having analyzed and tested the stuff appropriately):
sudo ls
- # initial preparation of the installation directories (the stuff works correctly for me on linux (debian and redhat), osf and cygwin):
UNAME=`uname` PINEFILES=~/pine.downloads PINEDIR=~/smime.pine.for.$UNAME mkdir -p $PINEDIR $PINEFILES cd $PINEDIR COMPILER="" if [ :$UNAME: == :OSF1: ] then SYSTEM=osf fi if [ :$UNAME: == :Linux: ] then SYSTEM=slx COMPILER="gcc-2.95" fi if [ :$UNAME: == :CYGWIN_NT-5.1: ] then SYSTEM=cyg COMPILER="gcc-2.95" fi if $COMPILER --version &> /dev/null then COMPILER="CC=$COMPILER" else COMPILER="" fi echo using compiler option :$COMPILER: for this :$UNAME: system if time ls &> /dev/null then TIME=time else TIME="" fi if sudo ls then echo assuming sudo is allowed SUDO="sudo" SSLDIR=/usr/local/ssl OPENSSLPREFIX="--prefix=$SSLDIR" if [ :$UNAME: == :CYGWIN_NT-5.1: ] then BUILDPOSTFIX="cyg SSLDIR=$SSLDIR" EXTENSION=.exe else BUILDPOSTFIX=" SSLDIR=$SSLDIR" EXTENSION="" fi else echo assuming sudo is not allowed SUDO="" if [ :$UNAME: == :CYGWIN_NT-5.1: ] then SSLDIR=/usr/local/ssl; OPENSSLPREFIX="--prefix=$SSLDIR" BUILDPOSTFIX="cyg SSLINCLUDE=$SSLDIR/include SSLLIB=$SSLDIR/lib" EXTENSION=.exe else SSLDIR=~/openssl OPENSSLPREFIX="--prefix=$SSLDIR" BUILDPOSTFIX=" SSLDIR=$SSLDIR SSLCERTS=$SSLDIR/ssl/certs" EXTENSION="" fi fi
- # download the source code of the most recent version of pine, openssl, the time stamping patch for openssl (comes from, etc...
cd $PINEFILES $TIME wget -N --retr-symlinks ts-20040320-0_9_7d-patch.gz $TIME wget -N --retr-symlinks $TIME wget -N --retr-symlinks
- # apply the time stamping patches to openssl:
cd $PINEDIR rm -rf openssl-0.9.7d $TIME tar -xzf $PINEFILES/openssl-0.9.7d.tar.gz cd $PINEDIR/openssl-0.9.7d gzip -dc $PINEFILES/ts-20040320-0_9_7d-patch.gz | $TIME patch -p1 $TIME ./config $OPENSSLPREFIX $SUDO $TIME make install
- # apply the s/mime patch to pine and compile it:
cd $PINEDIR rm -rf pine4.61 $TIME tar -xzf $PINEFILES/pine.tar.gz $TIME wget -N --retr-symlinks smime.patch.for.pine4.61 cd $PINEDIR/pine4.61 cat ../smime.patch.for.pine4.61 | $TIME patch -p2 $TIME ./build$BUILDPOSTFIX $COMPILER $SYSTEM
- # you can now execute the smime-enabled pine:
- # if it works, you can ``install'' it and include it in your default path:
mkdir -p ~/bin.$UNAME cp $PINEDIR/pine4.61/bin/pine$EXTENSION ~/bin.$UNAME echo export PATH=~/bin.$UNAME:\$PATH >> ~/.bash_profile
# if it does not work, you might try to compile the stuff again with a different compiler (remember that I got it all working using version 2.95 of gcc), e.g.:COMPILER="CC=gcc-3.3" $TIME ./build$BUILDPOSTFIX $COMPILER $SYSTEM
# you can get a list of the compilers with:find /usr/bin -type f -iname gcc\* find /usr/local/bin -type f -iname gcc\*
- # if you have sudo, you might wish to first activate your root privileges (of course after having analyzed and tested the stuff appropriately):